1. Pracodawca
  2. Goleniów
  3. IRONTECH sp. z o.o.
poleca firmę Opinie ()
Ocena ogólna pracodawcy

IRONTECH sp. z o.o.


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Użytkownik: Administrator

Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
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Czy opinia była pomocna? 0 0
Brak treści. Ta firma nie uzupełniła zakładki “O firmie”.

Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:

Wszystkie (3) Aktualne ( 0 ) Archiwalne ( 3 )


Wygasła: 23.11.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
manager / supervisor
  • To support our production department in Poland, we are therefore looking for a:
  • What are you going to do?
  • Are you a real coach who knows how to get the best out of the team? We are looking for a cooperating foreman (m/f) for the assembly ironing boards department. You start your day at 06:00 and check whether all parts are going according to plan and you check whether these parts meet the right quality. You keep track of stocks and always check what is needed. You schedule employees for the work that needs to be done for that day. Of course you also roll up your sleeves during the day to ensure that everything runs smoothly! So you also participate in the department. It is important that planning and leadership are your qualities! In addition, this company really appreciates it if you have a good attitude to work, you really have to see your department as your responsibility and it is important to work well with the other departments
  • Where are you going to work?
  • You will work in a pleasant, international family business in Goleniów at the Nowogard location. Everyone is equal within this organization and teamwork and development are of paramount importance. At this location in Goleniów, approximately 90 employees work daily to make and keep all customers satisfied. In the position of Cooperating foreman you work in the assembly ironing boards department. Together with your team you ensure that everything goes according to plan and the products meet the right quality as customers have come to expect from us!
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od 7500 do 7500 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne


Wygasła: 11.10.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
manager / supervisor
  • To support our production department in Poland, we are therefore looking for a:
  • What are you going to do?
  • Are you a real coach who knows how to get the best out of the team? We are looking for a cooperating foreman (m/f) for the assembly ironing boards department. You start your day at 06:00 and check whether all parts are going according to plan and you check whether these parts meet the right quality. You keep track of stocks and always check what is needed. You schedule employees for the work that needs to be done for that day. Of course you also roll up your sleeves during the day to ensure that everything runs smoothly! So you also participate in the department. Your working day ends at 14:30. It is important that planning and leadership are your qualities! In addition, this company really appreciates it if you have a good attitude to work, you really have to see your department as your responsibility and it is important to work well with the other departments
  • Where are you going to work?
  • You will work in a pleasant, international family business in Goleniów at the Nowogard location. Everyone is equal within this organization and teamwork and development are of paramount importance. At this location in Goleniów, approximately 90 employees work daily to make and keep all customers satisfied. In the position of Cooperating foreman you work in the assembly ironing boards department. Together with your team you ensure that everything goes according to plan and the products meet the right quality as customers have come to expect from us!
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od 8000 do 8000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Operator linii produkcyjnej - Production line operator

Wygasła: 25.03.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca stacjonarna
pracownik fizyczny
  • Obsługa maszyn i urządzeń na linii produkcyjnej
  • Utrzymywanie wymaganego poziomu produktywności
  • Nadzór nad optymalnym wykorzystywaniem surowców i materiałów
  • Operation of machines and devices on the production line
  • Maintaining the required level of productivity
  • Supervision over the optimal use of raw materials and auxiliary materials
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne